Friday, March 30, 2012


           Well it was OFF then ON & OFF and now ON again. The siren alarm is once again on the rise as Kenyans have truly declined to be at the bottom side of Tech events. It was last week on Wednesday possibly at 10:45 PM when Kenyan Tech giants had to give a mind blazing Technology debate than left many on ten-tar & as well eager to know what these big 5 persons represented Kenyans for. The same was with me here, taking notes, dropping a well good listening skills only to take the good hear of what this TECHPRENEURE prepared as for the long awaited month. Wallace Kantai, the great &well known NTV journalist made the host of the event. The whole issue there was not only exchanging ideas but giving out questions that left some of the same giants with no words to offer as a concrete & appealing answer of the asked questions.

           Yeah, i have to agree that we've got business incubators whom have been there for quit sometime, gave the well wishers a helping hand & indeed favored the breaking point of Technology advancement but to what extended is the government doing to have these young Developers like you & me have that fruitful feeling, that,though I've got nothing show the entire world but because Kenya is a cradle land of me I've got to give this as a pretrial to my Developing Career. For sure we've been having many Technology summits, where Tech enthusiast meet to give very brilliant ideas so as to favor the developing nation with I.T minds. With all the events I've been attending, nothing substantive was kept across concerning the education system that we Kenyans are going through. I was very much impressed by how Brian Longwe, a Technology Enterprenuer was making a barbeque explanation of the area, "Education". It is a foolish idea when you find a guy going to the university to pursue a Degree in Law only to find out that the guy drops off the clutch & decides to patch his/her way in coding or Technology career, Yeah, am making it real here on the desk today. NAILAB & iHub are the best Technology Community that give an opening space in the Technology venture. Many, young developers have been drilling the perfect codes only to see their apps at a stagnated position. What does this mean? Ignorance at it's best & this was best explained by Richard bell, CEO of Wanainchi 
Group, Kenya
Being an Analyst, I've been able to meet with different Tech-Avids whom also take the same song to be a jigging melody that not even a Congonees crown bird can dare swave & offer in a raising colored tail feather to the tune. I agree that each and every institution at times crop up a plan to have the Private sector handle the whole issue out but you have to get it straight with me here, that 70% of the contribution  comes from the Government while the other 30% percent is left for the private sector to burden upon. Many of whom i meet with have the same Governmental Syndrome that gives them a 5-8 fake round turn impression of them-selves. 
           Going back to the Technology agenda, we had Mike Macharia, CEO at seven Seas technology making the same point but believe me it wasn't straight as insinuation was a thick cloud trying to protect the Kenyan Palace out of these squeaky mess. He too made a comment about companies being given a platform to work out with. I see into it to be a meaningful issue, where, if we can have the government co-operating with the few private sectors that we have for an introduction of concrete start-up for the Technology Environment, then competition with the multinational will have hit a cross-Road of about 50%, basing on a scale of 1-100. Actually when i talk about the multinationals, i mean an Enterprise that delivers services in more than one country. It can also be referred to as an international corporation. 
          Checking the Highest profiles of these Tech-Minds individuals, we had the Deputy Kenya ICT board Manager and also a Marketer, Eunice Kariuki, contributing on the same. She's self minded & should i name her miss independent?? Well she says Kenyan Developers should check on how they can mount the Marketing strategy on their products & not to rely on the government for their prosperity. 
Yes, that's okey with your opinion madam but have you realized that Kenya is moving way fast in-terms of technology? if the issue of multinational could be the new song ringing on her mind then we couldn't have such layman's idea coming from her anyway. I think Kenya is grooving & proving to the other nations that it got what it takes when we stand tall to raise the New flag of technology that symbolizes Technicality & effectiveness when it comes to Technology Advancement. Lastly we had the Kenyan icon Mr. Mugo Kibati, CEO vision 2030 Kenya who did not involve much on Education & governmental issues but gave deeper upper-cut on business industry. I should say this was the only guy, out of the 5 Tech persons who  made the whole issue of Business Technology a cornerstone as far as Technology is concerned. Only 6 words that will change the TECHPRENEURE minds and it's prevailing industry forever, "BUSINESS". It is an issue that one may take it lightly but let me caution you that if you're thinking of venturing into Technology, then have yourself robust, be it coding, Analyzing as i do then let business be the core issue to cover you up cause when we call ourselves Analysts, Programmers or rather Developers with no Business Intervention within us then am afraid we won't stride anywhere as you'll be aiming at the top of the tree leaves only to find yourself dropping at the stem of the very same tree you were aiming at. 
     Indeed i have to thank you all for spending your time reading & getting what the Tech-Analyst had for you this very Friday. I've got no choice but to let the whole story break to an end & have entire Techy-Fingers curve for respite. Fabulous Weekend ahead & let's do it again next week with hopes that these time round, the Analyst Will have to feature you & tell the world what you've got. Enjoy Your TECH-FRIDAY.


Friday, March 16, 2012


          Finally the day is here, Friday, a day that keeps you on great tenter hooks for what is expected as Techy event. Well it was windows 7, right? but then Windows 8 is just about to give in an amazing turning point with lots of heating debate in the blogosphere world. Last time was a moment for the LINUX operating system, today your Analyst has brought you windows 8 & open you up intensively to what it actually means as pin-pointing a better operating when it comes to both Office & Home PC utilization.Trailing down the field of Technology, i must say it's a world full of various engagement when it comes to Operating Systems Topography, being detailed with different rumors that may either side it positively or negatively. Breaking the nut shell, it is confirmed that windows 8 developer's Preview was offered by the known Tech Giants , Microsoft, for the purpose of cleanical finish & structured forum for the world & even the Developers to brace upon. Just to make sure the OS was perfectly figured (windows 8) , i saw into it that analyzing & shading out vast importance and it's demerits was a great idea that my readers would archive. We do have many Operating Systems sailing to massive buyers across the globe but when it comes to  documentation read-through, i must say it's a precedent moment that not even a layman can understand.

          The essence of having a particular Operating system installed on your System depends with the line of specialization & meaningful the operating system will have to offer. On the month of September last year, Microsoft unveiled the windows 8 developers preview for the world to experience a change in the UI (User Interface) & other possible added values like the touch Experience on its i Pad & the windows application store that holds vast of  numerous applications that any windows user will wish to have. It's now 6 months down the line when it decided to go live with it's ARM device. Many, especially abroad are eagerly waiting for the device to be unveiled officially. Analyst say it's packed with windows 8 Beta but will have little bit of differences when it comes to it's usage  

          Let's take a brief brush through of the Anticipated OS with reference to it's device ARM and the normal computer, that is the x86/64 bit based architecture of a normal laptop & desktop that we have:-

     It has come to my concern that windows OS on the ARM will focus on few specification and sidelining others for various kind of reasons. Get it more closely, am not trying to insinuate on something here but believe me what is about to be disclosed is something amazing. Late last year, that is December2011 to be specific, Microsoft  president, Steven Sinofsky stated on a blog that the device or rather the awaited WOA (Windows On Arm) will actually not consider Virtual Machine VM on it's machine. This was clearly confirmed that enabling the Boot-Loader to freely customize primary cache & secondary cache for virtual Machine would be rather difficult. Just take note of the word "Rather" as stated by Mr. Sinofsky, this simply indicates that running Virtual Machine on this type of device is quite a long culture that not even a rolling stone will gather it back to life. Great advantages like the Metro Apps will only be a case to give a coy smile to it's users. I recently find this to be a disgusting and a precedent way of making decisions that Microsoft President did. I think he's turning this to be the opposite. Okey what am trying to to style here is that, better run the OS on a x86/64 Bit type of machine as this will have you interact with the system and get to know the operating system way better.

          Hold-on and get it right. Let's try and analyse the two processors that windows 8 is known to serve under ARM processors and the core processors

         Questions begins to take toll here as many will try to integrate the use of Win 8 usage with the ARM plate processors. Remember when purchasing the device it'll be mainly equipped with the ARM processor and that's what tells that a 32 Bit Architecture will be doing the job. For that instance. It is estimated that ARM utilization will depend with the load & power frequency which may as well destabilize it's proper usage. Take the data analysis that i came up with, you'll be surprised to find how the ARM performs it's job.

when idle                   [[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[       100% quick usage

When On Power       [[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[                              97% Quick usage 

When On Load         [[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[                                                            32% Quick Usage
 (Up & down-links)

Now you can realize how the 32 Bit gadget gets critically unstable when subjected to different frequency & maximum Network loads. The game it's not yet done, let me take you to the x86/64 Bit architecture that most of us are going to abandon.


When idle            [[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[  100% quick Usage

when on Load     [[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[  100% quick usage in terms of navigation & uploads.
                                      (Rate at Mb/ps)
when on Power   [[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[   100% Reduced Latency When on Usage

      If you're with me here, i must say am driving in some sense in you. From the two scenarios, you can probably tell that having the Windows 8 at hand doesn't confirm best, that you're done in terms of your Technology exploration as far as the Tech-Evolution Is concerned rather, the hardware on which the OS is serving is the whole issue. Though never utilized the ARM device but with good hold of the processor Knowledge, i can defiantly tell that the pundit way of solving & analyzing issues will have you opt for the x86/64 Bit machine.

             For sure I've been utilizing windows 8 for the past 6 months ever since it's preview Debuted  i predict
the coming Beta version will have the wacky bugs fixed. With the developer's Preview, i come to realize it's not fully functional as it carries bugs that may be a stumbling block especially the geeks like me who need to explore it to the far end. What makes it more suitable and good to work with is the latest advancement that Microsoft Developers kept forward. Let's compare the unveiled windows 8 developer's preview with it's predecessor windows 7 when it comes to End-User full Utilization.

WINDOWS   8                                                                                                            WINDOWS  7

1) Metro User Interface                                                      1)  Vst UI/ Gild x2 UI
2) Faster booting. Estimated at about                                  2)  Delayed Boot, Estimated at 2-3 minutes  due
    6-8 seconds due to a change in Kernel                                 large bust that makes it wavy.                          
    booting setting & characterized with a small
    bust compared to Win 7
3) A modified & a customized Touch Interface                   3) No customized Touch, where all drivers are
    enabled (For Pads) & (Tablets)                                          based in the the in-built primary Kernel that 
                                                                                              over drives the working procedures between
                                                                                              the OS and the hardware interaction.

            With all the TECH-BITE illustrated, i wish you luck in every thing you encounter in making your Technology life more tastier. As an Analyst i may have made the good, the bad and bad, the good . To make it more louder, i may have made a vague expression for one & not for all that seems to be offensive, harsh or blunt, but the choice is yours. May you all enjoy the great charm of the TECH-FRIDAY & all in all A luta-continua ! 

Friday, March 9, 2012


          For the past one year, Kenyans were having reasons to make merry after the declare of the new constitution that went official in the year 2010. Everybody had their fingers crossed before it's launch & this tells how decapitative the government is trying to be, basing from this very close examination from people's reaction. The issue may seem to be 90% political but take this with me, that 20% can be considered part & parcel of technology illusion.
          Well it's a new dawn & everything seems to take a bevy outline just after it's implementation (Constitution) but do we really mentor anything stated in it's republic papers may offer 100% full utilization when it comes to real business of the matter?. It's not a lie, we've got many individuals to whom we valued as our loved ones but in current situation they're no where to be called mum & dad, brother & sister or even an icon to which we Kenyans & even the entire globe could cling to for certain benefits. Let me not take  the story to the far end & initially restore the whole story here, "Forensic Science"

          Take a deep breath & switch gears higher. It's high time now to remember what our CJ Willy Mutunga  gave as a green measure of the technology elevation in our country Kenya. Well having Forensic science based with technology principles to give first hand information was the whole thing. We've got many countries whom find forensic science a daily routine & a numerous area as a way of fighting justice but what do we see in our country? can't wait to give an answer on that but this goes to the latter whom find justice through a trumping procedure, just pin down the whole issue & have Forensic technology be part of information technology,

          Just to start with, Forensic Animation isn't a major subject when it comes to hospitalization but a great area or other sensitive  when it comes to dynamic way of investigating crime scenes, that is when unknown killers tend to carry out massive killings to which not even the Criminal Investigation Department can drill, to come out with the real truth. In most cases, whenever a crime scene is to be investigated, the government comes up with a sensitive plan to have it banded together with the medical crew in the search of justice but what happens their after depends whether the alleged killer is to be charged/convicted with either 1st or 2nd degree murder.

       In our country, we do have vast resources to which even the I.T experts can utilize to gather out substantive information but then, it turn out to be the opposite.

       Lets take the idea where an I.T expert utilizes a 3D software to portray information about a gun point, taking in consideration that what is given out will as well be compared to the main scenario which just happened at the time of the crime scene. Actually, neither of this will have the subject to a dictionary but have the whole matter poised at a certain condition. Here is a situation, where a victim was murdered with a 2-3 bullets fired from a 3 turn riffle with no distinct meter range that one could have noticed.

      The forensic animation takes the lead here. The experts may include Dynamic information to have the scene matched with the what is expected out of his analysis. Good programs like Poser (To which I've been trying recently) is seen to make both ends meet. With a scenario like this one (2-3 bullet fired) an investigator/forensic analyst will have a better output when such a program is led to this kind of crime investigation. Because it's a 3D modelling program, then be assured to be authenticated to various features that may let a forensic investigator gather out useful information needed for court jurisdiction/summons. Akin to a virtual photography studios, Poser allows the forensic expert to load figures (basing on the gun shot topography) props, lighting & cameras live dimension that gives it an exact scene with the crime stated for crime investigation analysis. With the props engaged & cameras live view at hand, you can just definitely tell what will result after a long critical & technical design that may show, have been captured just after the forensic expert finalizes on the design. Take a look at a the picture below & you'll greatly tell how forensic science  has such a greater  impact also on information technology.

       Not only court fillings can have the impact to information flow but engaging the same criteria in hospitals is also a key procedure that see to it that, it'll be a way of double flagging information into a suitable  health living. Again have a case where a victim was either hit on the head  repeatedly, stubbed with a knife or even sustained injuries that cannot be vividly explained, without the use of 3D technology. Forensic science with sophisticated 3D based technology will explain it better or show distinct explanation that couldn't have been discovered earlier during a crime scene. Because am Analyzing you an area with more of aided pictures & little bit of directive information, lets have the three (3) scenes that i mentioned in the paragraph be well structured as below;-
    A forensic expert can have the structure in a manner that it will have a clear propagation of what the victim was undergoing. This will make it poised.

   Apparently, a forensic evidence may reveal this as a finale inspection which will serve or later act as proofing tool either in courts or Forensic departments. A pictorial of the latter will be as shown.

    The forensic science, based with 3D dynamic explanation will also give the same result as shown:-

            Apart from this, we may have cases where the use of technology may give Real-Time results, with the likes of Laparoscopy, that is a clinical instrument that medical doctors may implement specifically Aga-khan,here  in Kenya to get  basic inside body Coverage of the patient in an  Operation room.
            for sure if you've been joining me here i bet you've noticed how my Analysis on information is also meant for hospitalization Technology, give it  a 68% as part of information technology. As a Tech Analyst i do recommend to all my Meritocracy of Academia (My Readers here) to have the Dichotomy of Forensic technology be an issue to forget about & as well take it as part of information technology. Many thanks for joining me & it's my wish that you've enjoyed the TECH-FRIDAY  as it gives & enables you to grab first hand information that pin-points to a stable information growth. Do have an awesome weekend ahead.