Yeah, i have to agree that we've got business incubators whom have been there for quit sometime, gave the well wishers a helping hand & indeed favored the breaking point of Technology advancement but to what extended is the government doing to have these young Developers like you & me have that fruitful feeling, that,though I've got nothing show the entire world but because Kenya is a cradle land of me I've got to give this as a pretrial to my Developing Career. For sure we've been having many Technology summits, where Tech enthusiast meet to give very brilliant ideas so as to favor the developing nation with I.T minds. With all the events I've been attending, nothing substantive was kept across concerning the education system that we Kenyans are going through. I was very much impressed by how Brian Longwe, a Technology Enterprenuer was making a barbeque explanation of the area, "Education". It is a foolish idea when you find a guy going to the university to pursue a Degree in Law only to find out that the guy drops off the clutch & decides to patch his/her way in coding or Technology career, Yeah, am making it real here on the desk today. NAILAB & iHub are the best Technology Community that give an opening space in the Technology venture. Many, young developers have been drilling the perfect codes only to see their apps at a stagnated position. What does this mean? Ignorance at it's best & this was best explained by Richard bell, CEO of Wanainchi
Group, Kenya.
Being an Analyst, I've been able to meet with different Tech-Avids whom also take the same song to be a jigging melody that not even a Congonees crown bird can dare swave & offer in a raising colored tail feather to the tune. I agree that each and every institution at times crop up a plan to have the Private sector handle the whole issue out but you have to get it straight with me here, that 70% of the contribution comes from the Government while the other 30% percent is left for the private sector to burden upon. Many of whom i meet with have the same Governmental Syndrome that gives them a 5-8 fake round turn impression of them-selves.
Going back to the Technology agenda, we had Mike Macharia, CEO at seven Seas technology making the same point but believe me it wasn't straight as insinuation was a thick cloud trying to protect the Kenyan Palace out of these squeaky mess. He too made a comment about companies being given a platform to work out with. I see into it to be a meaningful issue, where, if we can have the government co-operating with the few private sectors that we have for an introduction of concrete start-up for the Technology Environment, then competition with the multinational will have hit a cross-Road of about 50%, basing on a scale of 1-100. Actually when i talk about the multinationals, i mean an Enterprise that delivers services in more than one country. It can also be referred to as an international corporation.

Yes, that's okey with your opinion madam but have you realized that Kenya is moving way fast in-terms of technology? if the issue of multinational could be the new song ringing on her mind then we couldn't have such layman's idea coming from her anyway. I think Kenya is grooving & proving to the other nations that it got what it takes when we stand tall to raise the New flag of technology that symbolizes Technicality & effectiveness when it comes to Technology Advancement. Lastly we had the Kenyan icon Mr. Mugo Kibati, CEO vision 2030 Kenya who did not involve much on Education & governmental issues but gave deeper upper-cut on business industry. I should say this was the only guy, out of the 5 Tech persons who made the whole issue of Business Technology a cornerstone as far as Technology is concerned. Only 6 words that will change the TECHPRENEURE minds and it's prevailing industry forever, "BUSINESS". It is an issue that one may take it lightly but let me caution you that if you're thinking of venturing into Technology, then have yourself robust, be it coding, Analyzing as i do then let business be the core issue to cover you up cause when we call ourselves Analysts, Programmers or rather Developers with no Business Intervention within us then am afraid we won't stride anywhere as you'll be aiming at the top of the tree leaves only to find yourself dropping at the stem of the very same tree you were aiming at.
Indeed i have to thank you all for spending your time reading & getting what the Tech-Analyst had for you this very Friday. I've got no choice but to let the whole story break to an end & have entire Techy-Fingers curve for respite. Fabulous Weekend ahead & let's do it again next week with hopes that these time round, the Analyst Will have to feature you & tell the world what you've got. Enjoy Your TECH-FRIDAY.