Introducing a speculative race brush through, we can find that it was a one line communication structure not forgetting the 2G network/GSM serving as a water drop in the Technology Communication Industry. Take a look at how various co-operates previewed this as a pit of looses. Back in 2005 no businesses or any out-standing firms made good of the media lines.Right now it's another story, that is syncing & platform porting is the story. No one by then ever foresaw 2G network as a reliable network when it came to day-to-day video communication, quick access to file & web servers, cross-synchronization platform when in office contact ( that is, when dealing with different service providers in this case ). Today 3G has overtaken the scanty 2G network and be-vied in an easier way of working things out especially on this very corporates organizations such as Kenya Air lines, the various banks ground launched within the global corners of the continent's soil & Network delivery INC being the final, have benefited alot as a result. At times the pilots & other relative working staffs had no choice when it came to efficient data delivery. The available network at TOLL was seen to be a blocking mountain to many of the workers especially the high flying pilots. Data and all flight records were seen to be at hand after a 3-2 hrs server syncing struggle. Well with the new 3 rd generation network, everything seems to take volumes in the corporate sectors but with little patch holes left unattended to.
Switching levers to a preferable level, cross-syncing together with video communication have made it better especially when it comes to communication agenda. With a resolution of a 640 by 352 HQ video conferencing has proven volumes to this very best of the so called cooperatives. Business blocks have taken the 3.52 and 3.72 generation network as a prospering haven. pin pointing the big 5 cooperatives giants starting with Safaricom company, Virgin Mobile Industry, Apple INC , Wireles Fidelity Technology company and last but not least the VERI and AT&T providers have taken the 3G network to be the preferable network so far but as we joy ride in the full spectrum of technology engagement, can we consider 3G network a better 3.72 medium network than the 4G LTE network? ( 4th Generation Network )
Come 2012 tecnology together with business indudtries are pursuing a hot paln to usher in the 4G LTE network. What i can say about the coming 4G is that its packed with nemerouse networking principales that will amke each and every business man go " GAGA" with inputs maximised in the long-run. Starting with, advantages like :-
*** Reduced Latency - That is, no video calls delay shall be experienced whenever ( LTE ) network will be introduced. With a 809.11a/b/g router will a also back-up enough bandwidth to chip in a better HD/HQ conferencing
*** Bandwidth Flexibility - I may not say 3G isn't a better one when it comes to porting activity but due to it's non-existance of dynamic routing, a device may at times not give better results during the process but 3G switching will be as a result thus making visuals less clearer than the use of a 4G (LTE)
*** Increased cell capacity - That's it, no analysing subjects under the sun. Many smart phone are known to be power guzzlers, am i wrong?? if yes, then you're outside he loop. I've been utilizing an android smart phone but what kesps me in wrath is the act of power lose especially when switching to WI-FI and HSPDA (High Speed Packet Downlink Access ) or the 3G mode. With the LTE, such instances are a history as packet looping is a not accosiated
be it in battery situation or network accountability. Doesn't this sound good for you ??
Al right, as you've seen, nothing can make me believe 3G is going to be the forgone 2012 network to be relied to. Countdown on me 3-4 weeks times & i'll be analysing more on the under way 4G network. I know many of you have been wondering where the Analyst had vanished to but it's a just that i've been working on a staff to make sure my readers are not mislead with anaything scanty when it comes to technology analysing. It's till next time when we shall meet & intersect much on technology analysing. May you have a blast in the very new usher of the year and a prosperous in giving 2012.
Come 2012 tecnology together with business indudtries are pursuing a hot paln to usher in the 4G LTE network. What i can say about the coming 4G is that its packed with nemerouse networking principales that will amke each and every business man go " GAGA" with inputs maximised in the long-run. Starting with, advantages like :-
*** Reduced Latency - That is, no video calls delay shall be experienced whenever ( LTE ) network will be introduced. With a 809.11a/b/g router will a also back-up enough bandwidth to chip in a better HD/HQ conferencing
*** Bandwidth Flexibility - I may not say 3G isn't a better one when it comes to porting activity but due to it's non-existance of dynamic routing, a device may at times not give better results during the process but 3G switching will be as a result thus making visuals less clearer than the use of a 4G (LTE)
*** Increased cell capacity - That's it, no analysing subjects under the sun. Many smart phone are known to be power guzzlers, am i wrong?? if yes, then you're outside he loop. I've been utilizing an android smart phone but what kesps me in wrath is the act of power lose especially when switching to WI-FI and HSPDA (High Speed Packet Downlink Access ) or the 3G mode. With the LTE, such instances are a history as packet looping is a not accosiated
be it in battery situation or network accountability. Doesn't this sound good for you ??
Al right, as you've seen, nothing can make me believe 3G is going to be the forgone 2012 network to be relied to. Countdown on me 3-4 weeks times & i'll be analysing more on the under way 4G network. I know many of you have been wondering where the Analyst had vanished to but it's a just that i've been working on a staff to make sure my readers are not mislead with anaything scanty when it comes to technology analysing. It's till next time when we shall meet & intersect much on technology analysing. May you have a blast in the very new usher of the year and a prosperous in giving 2012.
Guess what, I can only fantasize about the 4G network as of now I've never gotten to enjoy the 3G network! Funny? Yes, or maybe :-), my current smartphone can only support 2G/EDGE network and if I don't get a replacement soon I'll still drool about the 4G capabilities from the sidelines. Anyway, for those able to enjoy such, do it well as for me I don't have remorse for anything good but utilise it to the fullest! Ciao :-).