The history of Google maps.
Fine it's here, what else? make a side view for Android. No wasting of time. Ever since the release of iOS updates, apple has been considering the big tune to capture the hearts of it's consumers. With the iOS 6 it's the inverse. Ditching Google Maps for Apple's maps introduced a -ve impact to it's units sales. If i could capture, geo-tag & even make accurate latitudes navigation initially without getting problems, then why should i go for iOS 6 or upgrade from iOS 5 to the same? is it because monopoly is a subject Apple has to migrate with, if at all that's the case? R.I.P Google maps but wait, am meeting you soon on Android. Last time an ally cropped me a 3D Apple maps picture from his iPad & i was amazed to find brutal pixelling & un-gaged pictures not even expected from an Advanced company like Apple. With Google, everything works fine like magic. Look at how Apple maps incorporates poor Geo-location information with less hustles when performing the taps & zooms mechanisms from your device. with Apple, Tim cooks had this for us. Crap!
Wi-Fi outages with heavy latency experienced
Smart move with the iOS 6 but what about the issue with the Wi-Fi connections? It's almost a week & Apple's Technical team hasn't communicated on issues concerning OTA updates (Over-The-Air). That brings me to a point that the Technical team destined to communicate it's way out isn't concerned with consumer's service. So far we've got individuals here in Kenya whom have made an import of the device (iPhone 5) but up-to-date still experience the Wi-Fi glitch. I've attended to several of them, given them the right Network reset manager but it's all circulating on this very disappointing ring of the Wi-Fi outage. I've recieved an email tagged on a subject, "Ask Ngache"
Dextrous Buddy
"Ask Ngache"
Hello Ngache,
I recently did an import of the iPhone 5 & am very happy inspiring & exploring the new device. The problem came in as i decided tap my device on a network at our work place but i get no response as it indicates " Attaining Mac-Address..." & halt it goes. I waited for a period of 2hrs but nothing prompts on my screen. Please do offer some helping advice cause am now thinking otherwise. Thanks Ngache!
Yours Dextrous,
Ann Mwangi
You can imagine how frustrated this lady is. There are various reasons as to why many consumers would rather for-go a product with simple tasks operation with minimal hustles when it comes to day-to-day user experience. Am imagining of Google's Android OS having taken a 1st rank in user experience capability score sheet where it's graphics with less HD screen isn't a technical issue if we compared that with iOS. So should we embrace Android/iOS? The choice is yours.
Ever heard of Technical difficulty in the world of Android? I bet it's a zero Whole & that's not going to happen
Android 4.0 (Ice Cream Sandwich) recent Google's OS that debuted earlier this year with a maximum estimate of 200,000,000+ users getting updates monthly. If you've been taking close examination on how Google has been making the roll-out of the same, you'll be amazed to find that Apple's OS tails Google with a commanding 71.1% stand compared to Apple's analyzing scheme that follows with 68.5%. This actually tells, though Apple insists being the No.1 most advanced OS compiler but still why do we have Apple having more technical glitches than Google. Am not making a critical analysis on any of the two companies or rather criticizing Apple inc on what they've been doing recently but what am trying to put across here is the point where we find a company trying being at the top, competing with it's greatest predecessor, Google which tackles it's job though lagging behind but working smart & in style. I've been a MAC user ever since 2005. Advanced the working on how developers ushered MAC OS versions with lots of enthusiast but then making haphazard fall-outs when it come to iOS. Apple is suggestive when it comes to close analysis on how they work on MAC books. Check on how Johny Ive, a senior Vice president in design makes clinical analysis on their MAC book pro. Nothing beats Apple's design either periodically or any of it's spontaneous mode of nature. Nothing. I think it's high time Tim Cooks makes close & critical analysis on their Mobile OS because if not well tickled-on, am afraid Apple isn't going any further in the coming future of Mobile OS industry.
The iPhone 5 or the Samsung galaxy SIII? Tough angles right?
We've been able to see different incarnation & challenging series of what to opt for when these two giant smartphones make headlines on market. A reason that has either left you stare around & see what to embrace as your smart device at hand. Stay back & relax because, remember we're dealing with a complex issue that needs to be taken with alot of cautious & insularity when we come to consumer experience. I've been communicating with my allies on twitter earlier this week & it happened, i received positive feedback on a debate, whether to embrace the iPhone 5 or migrate to Android 4.0 & experience the Ferrari engine running the superb Samsung Galaxy SIII. Take a look!

Mhhh, now you can definitely tell how Samsung Galaxy SIII has captured alot of attention from it's fans. I've been on Android & still making fine on it. All versions from 2.2( Froyo) > 4.0 ( Ice Cream Sandwich) have been my best so far. Because Android platform is an open source for temporary developers like i, endless build of application has given insight more compared to iOS which most people seem to find it locked and stagnant. I think Apple inc has to work out large in-terms of M-OS because it's to my feeling that they should give a proper stronghold to it's iOS and am very much opportunistic that Google won't even get an inch to sniff & tail hot on Apple's heels in the coming days. I GO ANDROID!