Saturday, May 28, 2011


Well,mobile technology can be redefined as a better pathway in leading an individual's life to death & as well to health problems too.
Going through Dr.volkow's articles last week, I'll managed to learn that RF (radio frequency) emitted by these technological gadgets made a 95% brain energy reaction. This does not only give out brain energy besides, cancer may come out as a result. Researchers all,around the world have been sidelining the issue of phone or other effects of the current technology, making it more harmful & frightening situation ever seen.Dr volkow denies the issue of alarming out the said parplexed issue,but as to my view of perspective, I recommend it be raised off to the public for individual to get awakened about it. As they say; " No prosperity is attained when negativity is embraced ",but according to my view, negative environment is just but a stepping stone to a better healthy living sorrounding.
Technology is there, for the good,but at times it's better when we sieve the effective forces sorrounding it's nature, by upgrading the level of intelligence that one attains. Maybe you can try to imagine how all these new assembled gadgets that we have merry with,may at times be hostile if not felt with. With my close examination on our field of technology, i happened to realise that we mostly lie to the dark side & not the informed, speculated brighter side.For instance you may the gadgets lined-up below, different levels of radio frequency depending on their board technology:
1.) MEDICAL X-RAY >>> 10 > 20HZ
2.) TANNING BOOTH >> 10> 16HZ
3.) HEATING LAMP >>>> 10> 14HZ
4.) MICROWAVE >>>>>> 10> 10HZ
5.) CELLPHONE >>>>>> 10> 10HZ
6.) TELEVISION >>>>>> 10> 6HZ
7.) RADIO >>>>>>>>>> 10> 4HZ
8.) POWERLINES >>>>> 10> 2HZ

Accordingly to Dr.volkow, research made between 1993-2009 have revealed indefinite history that the minded phones or cell phones give. They carried a vain research with relative to cell phone usage above 4 hrs, gave out a 95% of brain energy while below gave 55% of the same. They found out that 10-14 HZ of RF emmited by phones tend to split the strong bonds held together on each other & thus distabalizing its chemical balancing, hence resulting to brain tumor.
Running up the finale brain scan,they discovered that one could have different dysfunction occurring as a result of cell phone-radiation & its frequency. These could be
- headaches.
- insomnia.
- depression.
Concluding this message,what I can urge the technology, is that industry to health oriented before rushing unknowingly to fast riches. Which may later be causing more than good to the society. As living to a healthier environment, will definitely lead to a healthier technology industry,serving its best to it's users.
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Friday, May 20, 2011


Recently, Google announced a
revamped version of Android
operating system named Ice Cream
The idea in Google’s labs is clearly
demonstrated in the software
Ice Cream Sandwich is a system that
will power both android phones,
tablets of all sizes and any other
android mobile device.
The Android OS versions have a
notable naming style that follows the
alphabet and names of edible
At Google’s Android labs, letters C, D,
E, F, G, H and now letter ‘I’ respectively
stand for, Cupcake, Donut, Éclair,
Foroyo, Gingerbread, Honeycomb,
and Ice Cream Sandwich.
For Kenyan customers, the taste of
‘Foroyo’ is quite evident from the
Android gadgets like the Samsung
Galaxy Tab and the Android smart
The performance of ‘Foroyo’ or
Android Version 2.2, which runs the
Galaxy Tab, has placed the gadget in a
very competitive position in the tablets
race. Besides, there are expectations
of ‘Honeycomb’ later this year.
The simple goal behind Google’s Ice
Cream Sandwich is an operating
system that works well on any mobile
Technically, the move to develop it
has a genesis in the pains of
fragmentation that dogs new version
of Android.
Google has more than 300 models of
Android devices that run on eight
different versions of Android OS.
Among them are, the Samsung Galaxy
Tab 1000, an array of Android smart
phone and the Huawei S 7 tab, which
are available in the Kenyan market.
A unified operating platform like the
Ice Cream Sandwich has a greater
appeal to the palates of developers
and consumers.
Software developers for smart devices
are sensitive to the future of the
particular device and version of
operating system.
The Android family has OS versions
like ‘honey comb’ specifically for
tablets, ‘Gingerbread and ‘Éclair’ for
mobile phones, ‘Foroyo’ ,and Donut
among others, with each version
having been designed for a specific
line of gadgets.
In the Android ecosystem, the earlier
versions do not support a number of
features and Apps hence reducing the
extra functionalities.
The idea of a single platform is a big
step into Google’s future and
competitive survivability.
Ice Cream Sandwich will bring a
number of features to android devices
while at the same time addressing the
trouble of fragmentation amongst the
various Android versions.
Some which come along with the new
version include, superior multitasking
capabilities, streamlined user
interfaces (UI), scalable widgets,
diverse multimedia support, USB
hosting and Near Field
Communication integration among
The new Operating System will also
allow the common utilisation of
features and Apps that had initially
been dedicated to Android 2 and
Android 3- based devices.
As seen from Apple’s growing pains
with iOS, the remedy for operating
system (OS) fragmentation is critical
for the entire ecosystem of
developers, consumers and device
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As Patrick ngaro says "when technology attains a single percentage in it's rise,financial a creadibility as well intergrates to the fullest regardless the terms expenditures.Looking forward to the U.S,Google team came up with an advanced technology which counteracts the information it's feed with as persons registry is automatically done.Today I may say we are the best leading country when it comes in steaming different areas of technology in every way we manage to attain / archive it.
Institution like MWALIMU SACCO & single mwananchi have revealed everything,portraying their essence in technology. Just a few but majority haven't showed any interest in intergrating the latest introduced technology with what they have
Sometimes I view all this as ignorance & furthermore, a freaky kind of situation diminishing what the youths could do.If we have tha government ensuring the easy running of the current businesses,then not at all shall we talk of Kenyans being exploited financially. Never !
In the corse of this month, iHub - Nairobi will be ushering new ways, strategies & plans on how to work hand-in-hand with the latest technology with lot's of hope that my fellow citizens won't let me crippled by attending & be projected widely on what the county's sees positive / negative in this new error of technology.
Finally the cloud technology kind of idea is shaped up to facilitate a better DD (double density ) kind of institution for future examination references with which high level of enterprise will be seen to root out.
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Saturday, May 14, 2011

The commercial value of unlicensed
software installed on personal
computers in Eastern and Southern
Africa (ESA), which excludes South
Africa, reached $109 million in 2010 as
83 per cent of software deployed on
PCs during the year was pirated.
This stands at almost double the
global piracy rate for PC software,
which is 42 per cent, having risen by
3.6 points on the previous five year
These are among the findings of the
Business Software Alliance (BSA) 2010
Global Software Piracy Study, which
evaluates the state of software piracy
around the world.
During the past 5 years since 2006,
Botswana’s piracy rate has dropped
by 2 per cent; Kenya’s by just 1 per
cent; while Zimbabwe’s rose by one
per cent in 2008, but returned to the
2006 rate of 91 per cent in 2010.
Zambia’s piracy rate has remained
unchanged year over year. Meanwhile,
Zimbabwe’s piracy rate of 91 per cent
is the second highest in the world.
“These findings show that little
progress has been made in reducing
the software piracy rate in East and
Southern Africa and there is much
more work to be done,” said Dale
Waterman, chair, BSA Middle East and
Africa Committee, and also the
Microsoft’s Corporate Attorney for
Anti-Piracy for the Middle East and
Africa region.
“The further we reduce software
piracy, the better it will be for the
region’s economies.”
Globally, the opinion survey found
strong support for intellectual
property rights, with seven in 10
respondents expressing support for
paying inventors for their creations to
promote more technology advances.
Strikingly, support for intellectual
property rights was strongest in
markets with high piracy rates.
The survey also found widespread
recognition that licensed software is
better than pirated software, because
it is understood to be more secure
and more reliable.
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Sunday, May 8, 2011


The ultimate DIY computer project
06 May 11 08:38 GMT
By Mark Ward
Technology correspondent, BBC News
Some people like to build their own
computers. A smaller number like to
modify them to boost the speed of
the processor and make them more
Then there is an elite for whom building
a modern PC is mere tinkering. Instead,
they opt for the much more difficult task
of building their own microprocessor
from individual components.
They make it easier for themselves by
emulating the relatively low-powered
processors found in the first personal
That's a sensible step given that the
microprocessors inside a contemporary
PC have millions, if not billions, of
transistors on board. Wiring or
soldering those would take several
Parts list
But that takes nothing away from the
complexity of building a processor from
parts. Even a simple one can take
months, often years, to put together.
One of the first to do a DIY processor
was Bill Buzbee who made one from
TTL logical chips, 74 of them in all.
Before microprocessors were invented,
early computers used scores,
sometimes hundreds of simple
integrated circuits wired together to
create a central processing unit. Such
systems are known as Transistor to
Transistor Logic (TTL)
"Back in the 70s when I first got
involved in computers and electronics,
TTL chips were what people used, so
that's what I turned to," said Mr
Despite starting his working life as a
journalist, he became a programmer
and embarked on the task to firm up his
knowledge of how hardware worked.
"It started out to be a very small project
and it grew to something much more
elaborate," he said.
Help and advice came from the many
people who found his project blog, a
journal he used to organise his
thoughts about how to build the
processor and incorporate that into a
working computer.
"I have had a lot of help, most of it
unsolicited, from electrical engineers,"
he said.
Some of the parts for what would
become Magic-1 were bought
specifically for the job. But, true to the
DIY philosophy, many others were lying
around in Mr Buzbee's home.
Using store-bought and found
components, the design for the
machine evolved organically.
"It's not so much that I designed the
computer and got the parts for that," he
said. "I designed around what parts I
As it turned out, building the processor
and its associated hardware was just
part of the challenge. The novel
machine needed feeding with software,
including a compiler and assembler, if it
was to do anything useful.
"The biggest part of the job by far was
all the software," he said. "The vast
majority of the time was doing that."
Was it time well spent?
"I learned a fantastic amount," he said,
"I came into it with a reasonably good
knowledge, but this opened up a lot of
areas that I did not have much
exposure to."
Mr Buzbee had the foresight to video
the first working test of Magic-1 and his
exclamation of "Outstanding!" as the
machine does what it is supposed to
sums up the project and its results.
Making machines
The trail blazed by Mr Buzbee has been
followed by many others.
Computer scientist Dr Harry Porter built
his 8-bit machine from relays -
electronic switches that are even
simpler than the transistors used in
Magic-1. Despite this, the machine has
all the bits you would expect to find in a
smaller processor.
Relays are also a good deal bigger than
transistors so the Relay Computer
occupies four large wooden cabinets
and makes a rhythmic clickety-clack
racket when its 8-bit might is being used
to crunch numbers.
One of the most recent homebrew
CPUs is the Big Mess o'Wires (BMOW)
made by Steve Chamberlin from a
whole lot of logic chips. Like many of
the other DIY processor folks, he
started small but. Over time, the design
and his ambitions for it grew.
"My goal was only to tinker around with
digital electronics projects of the sort I
remembered fondly from university
days," he said, adding that he expected
that once it was built he would program
and play with it via a terminal window
connection to a modern PC.
"After I got the basics working, though,
I kept revising my goals and adding
more and more external systems," he
The finished BMOW has a keyboard,
VGA video, audio and is programmed
using Basic.
"BMOW grew into a stand-alone
computer system, independent of any
PC, and roughly similar in capabilities to
8-bit computers of the early 1980s," he
told the BBC.
The journey from bits to finished
computer taught him a huge amount
about how computers work and the
challenges that faced those early
computer makers.
"I feel I have a much better
appreciation for what it must have been
like when Steve Wozniak designed the
original Apple, or other homebrew
systems of the day," he said.
Related to this story:
The man who invented
the microprocessor (04
May 11 | Technology)
Recreating the era of 8-
bit computers (
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Sunday, May 1, 2011


Its just a few years to come when we will be turning the page to >>>> vision 2030. Our country Kenya is well known to produce vast of nation I.T career men and women but the question remaining is weather we will be attaining a better goal as MUGO KIBATI,the chairman of vision 2030 puts it.very few of our I.T analyst sit back enjoying the less paying salary kind ofbjob,while majority leave the country for the same.
Technology in Kenya can only be described as a fainting goose trying to capture it's last moments in life just as the recent ''African-technology'' is described.By the introduction of counties, I may like to say that a lot can be done if only we get interested, think out of the box & stay focused on what is aimed at ( vision 2030 ) take for example, the county of Mombasa, it's the widest area seemed to have fantastic scenario by the nature of it's view,yes !,but less technology stride has been archived so far.Nairobi county,though much insecured but captivative volume of technology seen at hand.Very hardworking business men & women to emphasize more on the current technology. The county is as well seen to potray escalation actions on goods and services as the ' financial giant ' is going circustic on what the county is experiencing so far.NO SMART TECHNOLOGY, THEN BE AT LOGGER-HEADS WITH THE GOVERNMENT,and its a fact." Viewing at different places since last year,I thought that Kenya should be leading internationally and no across this simple continents",head of African technology says but as for me,I stress that we can overshadow what we have so far to improve the the written heading, hence facilitating smooth running in the coming VISION 2030.
As a conclusion,with great asurity that,you've got the clear picture of what I mean when we say VISION 2030 ,I'LL only finalize that with ; Perserviarance.
Strategy &
then we can make a ship sail to it's destination without traces of ignorance altering the strategised VISION 2030.
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